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Life’s Healing Choices. An 8 weeks study will begin this coming Wednesday May 1st from 6 - 7 pm.
The study books will be on sale Sunday morning before and after church as well as on Wednesday the 1st. These books cost the Church $8 per book. That is also the suggested cost per copy. Please pick up your copy at your first opportunity. We have 100 copies.
Scott & Lisa Marcum have been committed to (Celebrate Recovery) for many years. They have served in most every area. Scott and Lisa will be teaching this 8 week study. If you have a Family member, friend, co-worker, etc… that this would benefit please invite them to join us.
This Study will take place at NEW LIFE CHURCH. 1300 South Broadway Suite 16 at the Orchard Shopping Center. As this study is taking place so will our Toddler, Nursery, Grades School, JH. & HS Study Groups.
Finally Please Pray for these opportunities as lives will be blessed and changed for eternity.